Welcome to Everything England! My family and friends inspire me to share ideas, recipes, everyday adventures, and even moments with my sweet family of four. Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

She's a 5th Grader!

So, yesterday was the first day of school. AND although, I was heart broken to leave my little guy behind, I was happy to start the day with Mini-Me by my side. It was the start to her 5th grade year. Can you believe it? Next year she will be in middle school!!! She was so excited and happy to start school. Aah... the fun in being so young. I didn't get her 5th grade teacher's picture (my batteries died on "meet the teacher" night) but, I will be sure to get it soon. She is great! Nealy likes her and is happy to be in her class. What an amazing 08-09 school year start!!!!

All-Star 5th Grader

My big girl...I love you Nealy!