Mommy LOVES you Brayden James
Weight: 18lbs 11oz ~ 25th percentileHeight: 28 1/4 Inches ~ 50th percentile
Head: 46 1/2 Centimeters ~ 90th percentile
Today my little boy is 9 months! Tears come to my eyes when I reflect on the last nine months with Brayden in our lives. It has been magical. Magical? Wait. Magical is an understatement. I meant heavenly. God truly blessed me with TWO wonderful children. Not only has Brayden been a 'big deal' so has Nealy. The family has been blessed and we....yes we have been a 'big deal.' We have celebrated our lives together. It's amazing how one little boy can change the dynamics of everything going on around us. As I watch Brayden and all that he is currently doing; crawling, waving, pulling up, balancing, talking, observing, copying, listening, responding, engaging, acting, pursuing, initiating, mimicking, laughing, and crying etc, etc. I STRIVE to be the best mommy I can be to both my kids! My nine month booming baby boy deserves it as well and my vivacious NINE YEAR old.
I try so hard to lead by example and not only by preaching. Children are such a gift...why would anyone ever not embrace the opportunity to love, teach, and lead? I make every day count and every day has a purpose. What a wonderful last nine months...and I KNOW it's only going to get better.
Happy 9 WONDERFUL Months Brayden!
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What a cute baby! Happy 9 month birthday. Many more!
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Awwww, happy 9 months to Brayden! You guys are just the cutest family.
By the way, I LOVE your new blog image!
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