Brayden is two months old!
Weight: 12 pounds 2 ounces ~ 50th percentile
Height: 22 1/2 inches ~50th percentile
Head: 40 centimeters ~50th percentile
Brayden is two months old today! It has been two months of joy. He had his two month visit with Dr. Katz. He is growing so well. He smiled for Dr. Katz and tracked with his eyes really well. Dr. Katz said he had the strength of a 4 MONTH old in his neck and back. I know he didn't have to say that...so it must be true! I came home raving and so excited. I had to leave the room when he had all his immunization shots. It makes me so sad to see and hear my little one so upset. The tears and crying stopped soon after. The Tylenol the nurse gave him before the shots helped and he did pretty well that evening. He was VERY sleepy and didn't nurse very much. The nurse explained that would happen. Other than a sleepy baby he was perfect.
A little fussy
Brayden loved Dr. Katz' nurse. She was really nice.
At Daddy's school...in the science room!Everyone kept saying he was beautiful. They said hehas the prettiest skin. Scott reminded them thatBrayden is HANDSOME. :-)
Brayden's little Robeez with dinosaurs on them.They were a big hit!
What a cutie!
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