Welcome to Everything England! My family and friends inspire me to share ideas, recipes, everyday adventures, and even moments with my sweet family of four. Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

December Divine

@ ICE…same crew, just us

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After the photo above, is when things started getting a little bit on the stressful side.  Once again, my typically sweet-calm little man didn’t want to go in to the actual exhibit.  Argh, not again!  Remember last year?  Seriously, I couldn’t believe it.  I knew that we were taking a chance of a possible ‘sour’ trip.  The lights were turned off as we waited and watched a video that gave a little insight on how the ice sculptures were created.  B was a little nervous in the dark and then started saying he was scared.  Poor kid.  I can’t fault him.  It’s just a little disappointing.  I have to admit I was a little sad.  I stayed out with him this year as Scott did last year.  

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Okay, so being blessed with my absolutely wonderful hubby.  He worked so hard to make the night a success.  It WAS!  He insisted on going to dinner and cracked jokes on the way as to lift my spirits!  It worked.  He’s a charmer.  Thank you sweetie.

Here is a beautiful Christmas tree outside of the restaurant.

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Oh wow!  Look who is in SUCH a jolly mood!  Yep, the one and only.  He was the best kid in town.  Not kidding.  He flirted with the young girl who was our waitress.  As she stepped up to the table he grabbed her hand.  Again, not kidding.  He ate ALL his fried catfish and fries.  He stayed ever so nicely at the table and let the adults chat.  He even said please and thank you all through dinner.  I gotta love this kid.

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um yeah…this was a yummy drink that soothed mommy’s nerves.

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Moving on to the next day…

Cheer America 2010, Katz place 1st! Here is Nealy with the smallest and youngest team member Jessica…darling.

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The next weekend…

NCA Holiday Cheer, Katz place 1st again!  Honestly, I just love the cheer competitions. All the teams are fun to watch, it keeps us busy, and I especially like that Nealy is practicing teamwork, discipline, gaining work ethic & dedication, and getting some serious exercise!  It’s such a positive exciting sport to watch.

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I’m a proud cheer mom, what can I say?  However, I promise not to get too blinged out (you know the seriously studded-with rhinestone jeans, big jewelry, etc)…uh, now that’s just a little CU-razy!

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Coach Amber!  Nealy just adores her!

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I leave you with this little guy.  December is a fine…DIVINE time to snuggle up on the couch in a pair of comfy pj’s.  It’s great to have time with my family.  Shopping is complete and wrapping is 99% done.  Just some baking and more family time. Woo-hoo!

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Anonymous said...

Congratulations Nealy on the 1st place wins. Brayden is Adorable. I have always wanted to drive down there for that exhibit, maybe next year i will get a chance. Hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas. XO

Anonymous said...

Great post! December was a great month! Love y'all!!! Pia