Welcome to Everything England! My family and friends inspire me to share ideas, recipes, everyday adventures, and even moments with my sweet family of four. Enjoy!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sportin' Some Love!

Captain Heartbreak...
Ahoy Ladies!
These are from my honey
I know the picture is kinda dorky...
note to honey: (I posted b/c you asked me to)
BTW: my feet were cold...so what?

Be Mine!....Sure thing babe!

For Nana!
We LOVE you Mom!!!!!
Thanks for watching the kids!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day! We had a great day with the family...including my mom. Scott and I went out for much needed alone time. We spent our Valentine's dinner talking and talking and then walking and walking. After a yummy dinner of seafood (I had Snow King Crab Legs...my favorite), we looked for new furniture ideas hand and hand. We ended our night by watching, Nights in Rodanthe. Thank you to my family and my honey for an amazing day of LOVE. It was a great day and night!


Anonymous said...

why isn't this working?

Anonymous said...

Uggs mom? Really? You are a dork! j/k love you.

Ladyornot.com said...

Sexy legs!

Anonymous said...

like the tees, but like the legs better.