Today Brayden James is ELEVEN MONTHS! It's been heavenly. I couldn't have asked for a more memorable 11 months. Nothing could out do what we have experienced with our baby boy. Oh my gosh! He will be a YEAR OLD in EXACTLY one month. I am so excited, yet so sad at the same time. It is bitter sweet to see how much he has changed, grown, and developed. Brayden is mimicking!!! I say, "aaaaahhhhhhh" after I take a sip from my drink and he will do it TOO! I say, "whooooooo hoooooo" and Brayden will mimic in the same tone. It is so funny. He is also learning how to blow kisses....I blow them to him and he has blown them back a few times. It makes me all giddy!...nothing like a mommy and her son! Brayden is taking a few steps. Not totally independently but, every now and then I see him balancing and thinking about taking off. He is getting so strong. He is getting even more curious. He LOVES listening as we read books to him. He is totally engaged and listening so intently. I guess I will go ahead and say it, he IS a bookworm. I say it loud and proud. He is following in his big sis' steps! Although Nealy is not so much a bookworm...If she could get an 'A' for cool...........well, she would have an A++! (so you know all the pics were taken with my phone....I know, I know....the quality is not the best!)
This WAS today...after our nap....NICE!

BTW: Because I am a proud mommy, SHOUT OUT TO NEALY....MISS COMMENDED ON ALL THREE AREAS OF THE TAKS!!!! WAY TO GO DIVA!...You ROCK Shawn Netherland!...
Anyway, I end the post by saying I have a lot of planning to do for the BIG ONE! The FIRST BIRTHDAY party that is! The fun part is that Nealy's BIG TEN is the very next weekend! I am thinking her party will be TWO weeks later due THE JULY 4th weekend! Aah, so much to do so much FUN! NOW that's what I'm talking about.
I don't get tired of saying two cuties

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