Welcome to Everything England! My family and friends inspire me to share ideas, recipes, everyday adventures, and even moments with my sweet family of four. Enjoy!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Happy Belated 5 Month Birthday Brayden!

Okay....we have been CRAZY busy in the England Household. However, this is NO excuse to have not posted about Brayden's 5th month birthday. He turned 5 months on November 26th! SO much has taken place this last month. He is sleeping through the night. He has two teeth! He has rolled over completely and consistently rolls from his back to his tummy. He loves being on his tummy! He talks and talks. He came SO close to saying 'da da' once. He'll be saying words in no time. I love when he just looks at Nealy and squeals. It's hilarious. He is always expecting her to be funny so now just the sight of her creates a big grin. Brayden is so easy going. He must definitely takes after his daddy. Brayden loves to be read to. He reaches out to touch the book and pages. He has lots of 'touch and feel' books that he really enjoys. He thinks it's so funny when he bites Nealy's finger and she yanks it out because with those two chompers it DOES hurt. He laughs so hard his eyes close.

As weeks go by we are realizing that he is such a snuggle bug. He loves to be held and likes to be cheek to cheek with me. It's the sweetest thing. He reaches out and grabs my face when I lean over him. It couldn't warm my heart any more than it does. My favorite time with Brayden other than nursing his when he lays his head on my shoulder. It's hard for me to put him down even if my shoulders burn from exhaustion. Something about my little boy suckers me to do just about anything.

I can't believe it's been 5 whole months! Of course leave it up to me to tell people he was 51/2 months about two weeks ago. Shame on me. I don't know what I was thinking. I definitely wouldn't want to miss a whole month. Geeze YE....get with it.

Okay so here are candid shots of our two "toot'n" around. The memories....

These next few crack me up. Brayden is bored and Nealy is tired. Note to Nealy: "I love you Nealy for being so patient with Brayden and helping Mommy SO much. I couldn't survive without you. Brayden adores you as I know you adore him. You are such a little mommy. YOU are my girl."

Okay I am currently delirious. AND I am rolling with laughter along with Brayden. I am ending this post with Nealy in the background BEATBOXING....yeah, that's right. She is a human beat box. She has the funniest performance. Brayden thinks she ROCKS! HE is squealing SO SO SO loud. I get nervous he can't get enough air...but, I know he does! Nealy even has the gansta style moves down.... My poor baby boy ....he is going to think this is how normal people act.

1 comment:

Priscilla Andrade said...

I love the pictures! They are so cute! I can't get enough of those two! I love you both, Nealy and Brayden! Love, Aunt Pia!