Welcome to Everything England! My family and friends inspire me to share ideas, recipes, everyday adventures, and even moments with my sweet family of four. Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

All I want for Christmas is my…

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Just in time for a Jolly ‘Ole Christmas as my little man had his very first dental appointment yesterday!  Now, I know it’s a few months late er, (maybe close to a year) for this to be his very first.  Let me explain.  We were not sure of how he would respond in this situation.  He doesn’t invade space and he sure doesn’t like his invaded.  Especially by strangers.  Well, he did FABULOUSO!!!  He was VERY brave, listened, and asked questions confirmed that NO drill was going to be used and NO shots were going to be given.  He followed all the directions and wasn’t even a little bit worried when the big camera came down from the ceiling to get x-rays.  I mean seriously?  I COULD NOT have asked for a better appointment.  It’s like Christmas Angels were sitting on each of my shoulders and the magic dialog between them included something about me DESERVING a break.  These last two days have been PACKED with dental appointments, ortho appointments, dr. appointments, and cheer private lessons.  We take advantage of the time off school.  We wiped it all out in two days, so we have the rest of the break to have a holly jolly – relaxing Christmas time! :)  Well….take a look at my handsome sparkly teeth – brown eyed boy!!!!

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So I was able to capture a few of this special event.

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Going to the treasure box!:)  Cheer!

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Next, picking a sticker!

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This is the gorgeous tree we saw right outside La Madeleine (me and the kiddoes at lunch).  B’s great experience at the dentist, made our start to a peaceful lunch…a GREAT one!  Looking up at this tree, It’s like I heard the two Christmas Angels singing a joyous song;)!

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I took this through the window with the reflection of the tree that was behind me!:)  LOVE!

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So, what a great little Christmas Outing after all!:)

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Anonymous said...

going to the dentist for the first time is/can be scary for young children. you have all the right to be proud on how your little boy behaved. great job - great/very beautiful blog.

Priscilla said...

Looks he did amazing! Way to go B!!! You are super brave!!! I love you!!!