Welcome to Everything England! My family and friends inspire me to share ideas, recipes, everyday adventures, and even moments with my sweet family of four. Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

A Fabulous and Fun 4 Weeks!

Brayden is 4 weeks old today! What a cutie he is. He is really growing and spending a lot of time cooing and smiling. He is a super eater and has only spit up two times since he has been born!!! We have him on a decent schedule and things are going pretty smooth. The nurses at the hospital and Dr. Katz advised we not take him out to many public places so he has time to build his immune system the first four weeks. His pediatrician explained his immunities build up as he grows and nurses. So now, we can start venturing out! He has been out a little bit but, I can't wait to show off how scrumptious he truly is. Well, thus far things have been pretty close to perfect. However, Brayden has decided he is going to eat every 3 hours during the night too! This is fine, but it does leave me a little sluggish come morning. He may just be going through a growth spurt as he's just decided this the last couple of days. Scott has read Baby Wise from cover to cover and insists we must conquer "parent directed" EVERYTHING for Brayden's best interest. I agree and just know from experience how hard it can be. I am confident that all will work out and I am just so thrilled he has nursing down and doesn't "snack." Night time sleeping is still in the works but, it's not bad and is definitely improving. We absolutely can't get enough of our sweet baby boy. We love him unconditionally.
Like Father Like Son

My Sweet Baby Boy

Chris and Michelle

Thanks so much for the sweet little polo and khaki shorts.
Brayden will look so cute at his first football game!
He will also get great use out of the cute little onesies.
We had fun with you two. Thanks for visiting.

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